Web Stuff Page!
all graphics on these pages are assumed to be of free domain...  if any of them are otherwise, please send me email to remove or to give credit or to link! I hope to update these and change them regularly, so check back often for new graphics!
Most of these pages contain at least 5 graphics per page.  Nearly all the graphics are full-size as you see them.  I have tried to make these pages very basic in order to minimize the download time for each page.  Any suggestions or contributions, just send me some mail by clicking on my name, Borealis, on any of the pages!  Have fun and check back often for new and different Web animations and graphics!

Animated bars and borders   Page 1  2  3  4

Animated email icons   Page  1  2  3  4

Animated buttons and icons   Page  1  2  3

Animated pictures   Page 1  2  3  4

Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and TransGendered Graphics  Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Polyamory graphics  Page 1  2  3

This page last updated Jan 19, 1998.
I will rotate the Animated Graphics next on
Feb 09 , 1998
Please come back then for new images!
For the LesBiGayTr images, check back frequently, as I add to those very often!
I also have .zip files available with my full current library of each type of graphic, including previously shown graphics as well as the graphics on the site now... If you want this, please mail me your request, stating which catagory(ies) you wish.  Please allow 2-3 days for me to reply, though usually I will get to them same-day!
Come visit me at home! 
You're the  hit on this site since Dec 30, 1997
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